Okay... So the most common question I get asked by you hair lovers is ''how do I stop my hair falling out?'' This only meant I posted a new blog post on here to answer all your questions. I don't like writing too much as it can become sheepy for you all so I'm going to avoid rambling on for too long but explain and help you in easy quick way.
The most common causes of hair loss in women are hormonally related but the main reason of hair loss is stress, unhealthy foods and genes. We all hate hair loss and emptying our purses to purchase unsure products. It's better to use natural products to stop hair loss than to go for expensive treatments, that may not help the problem. Hair loss, in all cases, comes down to the genetics, some people will be destined to lose their hair based solely on their genes, but there are always ways to help slow down the hair loss process by using hair masks and home treatments. Its quite simple, like everything in life, the more you look after it the better condition it will be in the same principles apply to hair loss. If you've noticed a rapid increase in hair loss then now is the time to start doing something about it.
Where better place to start than from the basics, right? Get yourself a good shampoo (doesn't have to be pricey) that helps stimulate the hair follicles. You'll be wanting a hair thickener/endurance shampoo to get the ball rolling. A good volumising shampoo is a great place to start, giving your hair all the nutrients and care that it will need to stand you in a better position to combat thinning hair.
HOME MADE HAIR TREATMENTS Hot oil treatments: Take any natural oil. olive oil, coconut oil or argan oil and heat it up so that it is warm, but not too hot. Massage it gently into your scalp. Put on a shower cap and leave it on for an hour, then shampoo your hair.
Head massage: Massaging your scalp for a few minutes daily will help stimulate circulation. Good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Circulation may be improved through massage by using a few drops of lavender or almond oil.
Tea magic: Apply warm green tea (two bags brewed in one cup of water) on your scalp and leave this mixture on for an hour and then rinse. Green tea contains antioxidants which prevent hair loss and boost hair growth.
Like with most hot topics in life, the subject of hair loss comes with a ton of myths that are completely not true. I always prefer to give my readers logical solutions that are based on facts. I base my suggestions on key ingredients and formulated products that have been tried by myself.
Hair grows back stronger if you shave it This myth was generated through facial hair shaving, which again is complete tosh. Shaving your head will not increase hair growth.
Right I think I have covered everything now, if you've managed to read to the end of this essay then thankyou! hope I have helped you all out however if you still have questions then feel free to email me hairbyzara@live.co.uk
Hope your all having a beautiful day, isn't the weather gorgeous for once! one of my favourite hair treatments is applying a hair mask, i've tried so many and this one is most definitely the best! Heres another little treat for you ladies, you must try this hair mask for SUPER soft hair.
goodmorrning everyone! Here is a tasty hair mask, Iam completely in love with hair masks they make my hair feel AMAZING. Don't miss out on this yummy hair mask. Let me know how it goes by emailing me hairbyzara@live.co.uk or comment below.
Trends I won't be wearing! Neon beanie hats - I don't dislike them and I think many people are working this trend right now, but I think I'd just look ridiculous wearing one. Also they don't really compliment you but just make you look odd. Anyway moving on... Wedged trainers - Again, loads of people working this, some look great! I've tried these shoes on at a shoe store but from the very first time I seen them I thought they are definitely not my cup of tea and not going to be seen on my feet! I just love my flats tbh. 70's curly mohawk - curly hair pushed to the top of your head and hanging down your face doesn't appeal to me, looks slightly ridiculous and will not be seen on me for sure...
I'm in love with Fishtail braid! I know this Braids look far more complicated than it really is and I have found that the Hair By Zara pictorials coming next week are the most easy and fun to work with while giving inspiration for future more complicated fishtail braid fun in updo's and working in multiple sections! So the first girl I actually noticed a fishtail braid on was Lauren Conrad who lam a very big fan of, for all of you who watched the best programme ever before it finished ''The Hills'' on MTV you will definitely remember Lauren in the early days rocking this hairstyle.
Since there are more people with damaged hair nowadays, it is necessary to apply conditioning treatment every time you shampoo your hair. It is very important not to rinse the conditioner completely out. Leave some in your hair. For highlighted or bleached hair, conditioner can be applied every time you shampoo your hair. To remove teased (backcomed) hair, simply brush your hair when applying conditioner with a wide tooth comb brush.
When it comes to hair products, there is a rule every lady should abide by: the product should always make your hair feel amazing! So I have been on a little hunt to find something that makes my hair feel amazing!
SOAP AND GLORY I decided to try out this conditioner that I purchased from Boots, the best results ever left my hair feeling super silky and soft. Must get ladies!!
Hope your all enjoying this amazing british weather, let's hope it lasts! got my feet up and enjoying the sun♥ Hair tip for you all, before you hop out of the shower, turn the cold water on for a second and quickly rinse it through your strands. It helps seal the cuticle, adding a sleek finish to your locks. Have a beautiful day guys!
hey girls! hope you have had a lovely day :) all of you who have seen my recent blog posts will see i have posted hair masks and i have had an amazing response so i thought i'd post another. Above I have posted an amazing papaya hair mask give it a go and let me know how it goes ladiesss..