Why Is My Hair Falling Out?

Unexplained, excessive hair loss can be worrying and quite scary! The good news is, there's often a way to fix it. Here are a couple causes of hair loss in women, and how to treat them.

Everyone loses hair. It happens during your morning shower, while you’re blowing it dry, or when you give it a quick brush and don't worry because that’s normal. On average, we lose twenty to a hundred hairs a day, that’s just hair going through its cycles, and there will be a new one to replace it. Hair loss that is genetic is known as androgenetic alopecia. The gene can be inherited from either your mother's or father's side of the family, though you're more likely to have it if both of your parents had hair loss. Women with this trait tend to develop thinning at the hairline behind the bangs.  The condition develops slowly and may start as early as your 20s. You may be vulnerable if your mother also has this pattern of thinning.

But hair loss may be a sign of a more serious medical condition that needs an evaluation by a dermatologist and possible treatment. If so do visit your doctor as the problem very rarely is serious. Hey but you can do many simple steps to keep your hair from falling out, firstly no stressing! avoid washing everyday, you should aim to wash your hair 3-4 times a week depending on your routine. Drink plenty of water, eats lots of salmon atleast three times a week. Avoid tying your hair in a tight ponytail or bun this with time causes hairloss at the front hairline. Apply olive oil (my favourite oil) to your hair three times a week prior to washing your hair. These few simple steps can help reduce hairloss, for more tips search hairloss in the search engine found at the top is this page and read away!


Hair by Zara Hair Tip
You Should Condition Before You Shampoo!

Yikes its been some time since I sat down and did some blogging! Last couple of weeks have been far more busy than I imagined, finally back on the blog to share tips for you girls. This may sound crazy, but conditioning before you shampoo may actually increase the body of your hair. When you shower, your conditioner never fully rinses out. Leaving conditioner in after the shower may weigh down your hair, ultimately reducing your volume. Reversing this habit is a quick fix to create extra bounce. You can now say hello to bouncy big hair!