Hey ladies!

How gorgeous is the weather today! the sun is out hurray!
I hope you are all looking after your hair. Above I have posted a home made frizz hair mask. Try it out and let me know how it goes... If you would like to speak to me directly regarding any hair problems or hair tips you can email me hairbyzara@live.co.uk or tweet me @hairbyzara

Bye for now cutiesss


My weekend... Well, it has consisted of lots of hair pins, hair tugging, babysitting, tea drinking and early mornings! The weather isn't that great today but that hasn't affected my mood! Off out into the centre to do some shopping but for now heres a hair tip!

Care for your hair tools ladies! Shampoo your hairbrush once a month and remove hair after EVERY use, and it'll last for years!!



                                                      good afternoon cuties ♥

 I snoozed my alarm around 6 times this morning but, yes, I finally made it out. where has the sun gone?! :( this morning the weather was lovely now its slightly gloomy, cold and rainy! british weather ey!

Hair tip for today for all you beauts who need help with dry hair and scalp. keeping it short and sweet, dry hair and scalp should be rinsed in very warm water as hot water stimulates oil production. With oily hair, cool water should be used.  Both pictures above are examples of dry hair.



hope your all having a lovely monday. I love pampering my hair now and then, here is a hair mask which I loveee applying on my hair! Ladies give it a try and let me know how it goes. I will be posting LOTS MORE hair masks in the future so keep your eyes on here! But for now its time to get your coconut oil and honey on your hair!!!


                                               Hey girls!!

Hope you have all had a lovely sunday! I've received a few messages from you hair lovers asking how I do my high bun using a donut ring so I thought I'd do a hair tutorial for you all. So all you need is a bobble, donut ring and a few hair grips! If anyone is struggling to find hair donuts, feel free to contact me I am selling hair accessories :)

Ps: I'll also do a hair tutorial on how to achieve hair bun and hair knot without a bun ring.




Above a hand full of my necklaces

I'm a firm believer that a good statement necklace can totally transform an outfit. I have long been a fan wearing a scarf which also transforms ANY outfit and keeps me warm! But as we head into warmer weather, I am starting to buy more and more necklaces. Inspired by celebrities. Above are a few statement necklaces that can be purchased at particular high street stores.

Don't you agree there are SO MANY beautiful statement necklaces on the high street. Are you a necklace fan like me? I'd love to see what you guys have, simply post a look on instagram and hashtag ''#hairbyzara''. I always feel over dressed with them unless I'm going out for a meal or party, I love earrings, watches and bracelets but can't get to grips with a big necklace. I dare not to count how many I have!! Catch you all later cuties


                                       Hey girlie wurlys♥

So heres a little advice to keep in mind when givng your locks a wash. So the correct way of shampooing is to put shampoo on your scalp, not on your hair. Apply shampoo from the nape, around the ears and hairline. Gently massage the scalp throughout your entire head. Remember it is not necessary to lather up so much! Too much lathering can cause damage to the cuticle of the hair. Keeping your scalp clean and healthy is very important.


I thought I'd post which celebrity style I admire and who I'd love to share wardrobes with. Kim Kardashian is most definitely my favourite, I love to see what shes wearing and how she is wearing it. This girl has been my inspiration fashion wise for quite a while now, I hope you can get some inspo from her too! I love mixing casual with smart -- SMARTCAJ just how she does. 
Near enough everything Kim wears looks so effortlessly brilliant (minus her few eugh dresses, you'll know which ones Im talking about). Her street-style has to be my favourite, I'm pretty sure she could wear a bin bag and still look amazing but what she chooses to wear is so gorgeous. I've noticed she normally wears white and black, although I think those colour suit her the most.


Im sure most of us can relate to the picture above, I most definitely can!

Hope you are all enjoyng your day! Here is a much needed hair tip I need to share with you all, to avoid split ends, start combing the ends first and work your way up. Remember not to start at the roots.

Kisses xo



                              Happy sunday dolls♥

12 degrees today and not much wind, nearly perfect all we need is the sunshine! Starting my day with a quick nibble on toast and drinking my addiction, TEA! Hair tip for today for frizzy hair! If in the morning you wake up and your hair is frizzy at the back, try sleeping on a silk pillow, this simple trick should help! Enjoy your sunday funday!

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                                           Hey cuties ♥ 

I've mentioned a basic step by step tip below on how to wash hair, making sure you wash it properly removing all dirt. So firstly wet your hair with warm water on low water pressure. Trap the water with your hands and gently massage your hair. At this point, dirt and oil on your hair will be rinsed out, if you rinse your hair with hot water, it will cause the cuticle to peal which will damage your hair. 


                                                Hey girlies ♥

beauts I apologise for writting so much  ^_^

 Ah, Wednesdays. One of those days where you may be feeling less than motivated to keep up with your normal beauty routine, especially when you would rather be outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Which is why I have found the perfect 3 products to help you look your best with minimal effort.

Put your tired face to rest with these few products, Vaseline, Sleek Blusher and YSL mascara. One product you will always find in my bag will be Vaseline (Rosy Lips - with Rose and Almond Oil), its great for when your lips are feeling dry and dehydrated. Luckily this cute Vaseline has a 2 in 1 with a pink colour to it so your lips look brighter and pink! Moving on with so much focus on bold lipsticks and false eyelashes, Iam a strong believer that blush doesn’t get enough credit in the makeup world. A good blusher can transform your face, no bronzer or foundation necessary. So try out this Sleek blusher (Light) which is my favourite I use this for everyday use and for evenings I tend to just apply a heavier application. This blusher is great for healthy, natural looking colour, just sweep the blush across the apples of your cheeks and taada!  Keeping with the minimalist spirit, use mascara on your lashes, the YSL mascara which I use gives a each eye lash length and thickness without clumping.
This time saving tip also makes you look more awake when your actually falling asleep! Roll on your favourite lip balm for a glossy sheen and you’re ready to conquer the day!
Have a beautiful day guys xo