Hey girls! its been a while since I sat down and wrote a huge blog post like this. Hope you have all been well and looking after your hair!
So recently I've been receiving a handful of messages asking how to maintain hair colour so I decided to do a blog post on this particular topic, I really do apologise for writing such a loooooong post. Grab yourself a cup of tea and biscuits before you continue reading! ;)

So girls let me get started once you have coloured your hair, it is important to maintain a hair care routine. It is important to have a hair care routine, why? so that your hair remains healthy looking all the time. Are you sick of having colour fade after just a week? Do you look in the mirror and feel your heart sink as soon as you notice your roots? Well don't worry girls! Here's how to have great hair colour for longer.

When you dye your hair, try get it professionally done from the hairdressers, the chemicals they use are professional hair colouring products. Hair colour sold in drugstores contain aluminium, which coats the hair and prevents the colour from holding well, kind of like one coat of paint which tends to come off after a while. But if you do opt for box dye then don't just go for the cheapest! Why? Because in the long run, you might spend a few more pennies, but the colour will stay vibrant longer. Also, think about your lifestyle. Can you do your roots every 4 weeks or 8 weeks? If you can't always get a root re-growth colour in time, choose a shade closer to your natural colour so it won't be as obvious when your roots start to show. Before colouring your hair, deep condition it a week before the colour. What is a deep conditioning treatment? Apply conditioner to wet hair, put a shower cap on or a plastic bag, leave on for 1 hour then wash as normal. This can help the hair colour grab onto your strands, preventing discolouration and fading.
As an extra bonus your hair will be protected from the colouring chemicals, and hair will be less likely to break off during the colouring process. Also, let the natural oils from your scalp work their magic. Washing your hair at least a day before you get your hair coloured will help to protect the hair shaft and helps to prevent fading much like deep conditioning. If you have darker hair, choose a gloss shampoo and conditioner close to your preferred shade. This will liven up your hair and give back its shine. After dyeing your hair, Do not wash it for two whole days. This may seem hard, but you can get a shower-cap to wear while showering or use batiste (dry shampoo). Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight and chemicals in pools or hot tubs. The UV rays from the sun can dry out any hair colour, making it look dull and lifeless. If you are out in the sun, be sure to apply a light coat of conditioner before going out. The same goes for pools and hot tubs that contain chlorine which can dis colour hair. Apply conditioner or oil to your hair to lessen the effects of chlorine, or tie up longer hair. When rinsing out dye, or washing your hair, avoid using hot water and just before you step out rinse your hair with cold water. This helps keep colour longer.

So girls I think I've covered virtually everything on how to maintain hair colour for longer! If you still have any questions feel free to email me Fireworks will be sparkling this week as I will be launching my new hair line on my facebook fan page and on here so keep your eyes pealed! Catch you all later ladiess <3

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