Hey blog! The weather hasn't been so great for the past few days but hey not that it has affected my mood. Iam currently in a big spider web of launching my new hair line... Really exciting stuff! Not long till you find out what I have in store for you guys!
Also hair tutorial videos will be up on my new YouTube channel soon... I think it's time I grabbed my bag and headed out, off to the circus tonight, not my usual kind of evening.
Hair tip of the day: For flawless sleek and straight hair results. Wash and condition your hair, let it air dry and then straighten it :)
Hey girls!
Lately I have been obsessed with hair masks, I recommend this one if you want shiny moisturised hair. Just remember to wash max 3 times with scented shampoo to get rid of the eggy smell. If you aren't up for this hair mask don't worry I have many more coming not including egg. For now I will love you and leave you ❤
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All the products above can be bought from BOOTS |
I'll be honest with you, I was really debating on doing a post on this topic but after experiencing what happened in my childhood, I've decided that it's important that I do a post on head lice.
Yup, that's right...head lice. Random I know. I think we have all had it a time or two in our life times, and to be honest... it's down right embarrassing. But I want to go over it because I want to clear up a few misconceptions up about it.
Head lice is known to be a tiny little parasitic insect that makes a cosy home among human hairs and they feed on blood drawn from the scalp. Sounds disgusting right? It actually is, but believe me its a very common problem that shows no mercy or discrimination. I feel like there is a lot of misconceptions on who is more prone to head lice. Although it is most common in children, anyone can catch a case of the dreaded head lice. Doesn't matter age, sex or race. Doesn't mean that the person has poor hygiene. Just means that they were at the wrong place at the wrong time and if you ever been to school, you most likely have encountered it. And believe it or not, they actually prefer a cleaner scalp to a dirty one. To get rid of head lice is a pain so I have listed lots of goodies which help get rid of head lice.
Hey girls!!! The weather is so gorgeous hope your all making the most of it and also everyone who's fasting hope your doing okay. Let me start on what you have all been waiting for, since I uploaded the image above I received so many messages asking what I use on my hair and what you guys can do to achieve long healthy hair, so really I couldn't look for a better excuse than to do a blog post on how to make your hair thicker and longer! This is a very long blog post I apologise as long blog posts can become sheepy, SORRY! :(
HEALTHY DIET Some good advice is to follow a healthy diet, I rarely drink fizzy drink I stick to water also you should aim to eat plenty of proteins, and be sure to take in vitamin B and vitamin C in particular. Don't forget its not just how you treat your hair but what you eat has an affect on hair growth and health.
HEATED APPLIANCES straightners they are one of the biggest criminals! I rarely use heated appliances on my hair about once every 3-4 months. The heat burns the top layer (cuticle) and after a short time the strand of hair will break off causing hair breakage. Think of your hair as your skin, your skin would eventually become damaged after constant contact with high heat the same applys to your hair. So I'd recommend avoid using heat on your hair but if you really feel the need to use straightners or curlers then don't forget to use hair protecting spray which you can buy from any drugs store.
HEAD MASSAGES did you know head massage help hair growth? It helps growth circulation, massage once a week using oils (carry on reading to find out which oils to use)
HAIR MASKS hair masks are my favourite! I've posted hair masks on my blog if you click on the little section on the right labelled ''Blog Archive'' and select ''june'' you will come across my hair masks, I use papaya hair mask once every 2 weeks.
REGULAR TRIMS okay when I say trims I mean like 1inch hair cuts not 3 inches as 3 inches doesn't help hair growth at all it actually slows hair growth. I have my hair cut from 3cm to 1ich every 2-3 months, whenever my hair starts to feel rough on the ends I quickly have a trim. Talking about trims I'd love to know if any of you girls would be interested in regular trims Iam looking into offering cheap trims without the heavy pricetag as Iam a hairdresser aswell as a hairstylist. As we all know booking in with the hairdressers can damage our purse for when you only want a trim. Let me know via facebook inbox or if you have a blogger account you are eligible to comment below.
APPLY OIL applying oil plays a big part to long healthy hair, let's start off with the oils you need then the process. I highly recommend coconut oil, argan oil and olive oil (my favourites) apply oil massaging it thoroughly into your scalp an hour before washing.
HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU WASH YOUR HAIR don't wash everyday it is not good for your hair at all, your hair needs time to relax and breath. Too much shampooing can damage your hair cuticle (outer layer).
AVOID STRESS The rumor that one’s hair falls out from stress is true, so stay casual and cool and try to avoid stress as much as possible!
STAY AWAY FROM SALT AND CHLORINE WATER The hair is softened and then becomes dry again, which causes a steady change that is bad for the hair, especially when combined with the sun! So girls don't forget to wear a swimming cap and a sun hat at the beach!
NO COLOURING GIRLS Bleaching and dyeing hair kill hair, majority of us girls are obsessed with dying hair its not good girls, so avoid colouring as this slows down hair growth and damages hair.
HAIR EXTENSIONS the thing with hair extensions is that when you clip extensions to your roots there is so much pressure put on the root that it actually causes natural hair to snap and become damage and after a while the hair will become frail.
PERMING HAIR perming isn't that popular which is a good thing as its really bad for your hair it can lead to hair loss and very dry brittle hair, so no perming girls!
DOES SHAVING YOUR HAIR HELP HAIR GROWTH? No. Hair grows from the hair root and grows from the inside to the outside. Therefore, it does not matter how often hair is shaved. Hair below the root is “thicker” and is tapered. This is why shaving cuts off the hair at the thickest point, which leads to a thicker hair growth appearance, is often mistaken for quicker hair growth. On the question on ''how to grow hair faster” cutting it more frequently is not the solution!
DOES HAVING SPLIT ENDS MEAN MY HAIR GROWS SLOWER? No. Having split ends has usually nothing to do with the rate of you hair growth. Having split ends is however a sign of unhealthy hair or simply just a bad hair cut. You can avoid split ends by getting your hair cut every 2-3 months.
DOES BRUSHING HAIR HELP HAIR GROWTH? Yes. This helps the blood flow to the scalp, that's why I always brush my hair everyday making sure it is free from any knots as they can damage hair. Regular brushing does contribute to healthy, long hair...
Once your hair begins to grow you’ll need to minimize damage caused by styling tools and products. This means laying off the curlers, straighteners, colourings and perming. Wash your hair, let it air dry NATURALLY and then brush it with a firm, but forgiving hairbrush. Avoid breaking and damaging your hair at all costs. It’s not just chemicals and treatments that can cause hair damage. Wearing your hair in too tight of a ponytail, or styling it in tight braids can also cause hair to become weakened or even broken. Avoid any style that puts too much pressure on any portion of your hair. I think I've covered everything that helps hair growth and thickness.
If you still have questions feel free to email me hairbyzara@live.co.uk If you follow the above guidelines and tips for ways to grow your hair faster, you should be well on your way to having the long, beautiful hair you’ve always wanted. A little bit of effort and a lot of patience are key to growing your hair out. Have a lovely evening everyone xxx
Okay this has nothing to do with hair but I felt the need to share this with you as I completely love it. Talk about a multitasking makeup item! One eyeliner can provide so many different looks for you girlies! Lining your eyes places emphasis on one of your most lively features and can provide a touch of needed polish on a day when you are running late feeling like a baby turtle but want to look like as awake as a meercat! By providing infinite eye looks, eyeliner is a must have for your makeup bag!
Eyeliner comes in several forms, including liquid with a brush or in a felt tip pen type applicator. Eyeliner pencils, sometimes known as kohl eyeliners, are just pencils that can be self-sharpening or have a sponge tip for smudging on the opposite end of the pencil. Some powder eyeshadows can function as liner when used with a wet eyeliner brush.
My personal favourite has to be pencil eyeliner the simplest to use, and they are also generally the best for contact lens wearers, as liquid liner can sometime flake and fall into your eyes which is a complete pain! Liquid liner tends to give a harder, more dramatic line.
this post has nothing to do with hair but it is officially the first day of ramadan 2013!! YAY! Hope you are all okay and staying positive thought I'd do a quick post as its quite an exciting start to a beautiful month! I read something so encouraging and profound yesterday, that I HAVE to share with you.
"Don’t let this Ramadan be just a holiday of rituals. Don’t finish reading the Quran without it transforming you. Don’t feed your body at suhoor, but starve your heart of Qiyam. Don’t reduce this downpour of mercy to just a month of sweets and lavish iftars. Seek Him, you will find. Take a sincere step towards change, transformation, redemption. If you do, you will find Him in front of you. Find Him this month. He’s been there all along. Closer than your jugular vein. Look and you’ll find. Walk and you’ll arrive." -Yasmin Mogahed.
Isn't Yasmin Mogahed amazing right? Always stay positive and be VERY grateful you are here alive for another beautiful ramadan. Life is too short, its soooo extremely sad that many people are not here to join there families this year they are missed so much :( may there souls rest in peace in jannat ul firdous inshAllah. In this holy month of Ramadan, may you be blessed with good health, prosperity and may Allahs blessings always shine upon you ♡ Always be happy love your family and don't get caught up in the dunya, remember don't listen to music, music is the shaytans seed. Love you all not long left now until iftari Alhamdulillah first fast is going really well, hope you have all enjoyed this post hair tips will be up again in the next post :) xxx
I need to put my feet up I have totally swept off my feet this week, one of the busiest I believe since its wedding season. Wedding season means lots of hair tugging, backcombing and early mornings keep your eye on my blog for more hair masks. Hope this week is going good for all of you, and if you find you're not doing okay... find something positive to look forward to and don't forget how blessed we all are to be alive
mwah ox
For now here is a hair tip! Hair suffers from alot of wear and tear resulting in split ends. Many products claim to repair split ends but the best remedy is a regular trim by your hairdresser!
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