Dropping temperatures and cold winds don't have to go hand-in-hand with frizzy hair and dry, dull skin. Don't miss my top winter hair and beauty tips to maintain healthy hair this winter, keep your hair moisturised and gorgeous, even when the weather isn't. 

Dry ends
Heat styling and dried-out hair aren't exactly the best of friends, but it's tough for most of us to resist reaching for the styling tools, especially when we have a party we need to look fabulous for. Heat styling products encourage split ends remove all those damaged ends by getting them cut off as soon as they appear.

Dry skin/scalp
Even though nothing seems more comforting than a steaming long, hot shower, it is the fire way to dry out your skin even faster. Also ecouraging dandruff! Avoid long, hot baths too, and make sure to pat skin dry afterwards instead of rubbing with a towel, which can strip skin of its natural moisture barrier. This also applys for hair girls, remeber to only pat your hair dry do not rub your hair with a towel as this causes frizz. After showering don't forget to moisturise - apply while skin is still damp. 

Feed Your Skin
Certain foods can help your skin glow from the inside out, so make sure you eat plenty of oily fish like salmon and tuna (high in omega-3 which help plump up skin's collagen production), spinach and avocadoes (high in vitamin E, which protects skin from UV rays and cell damage) and vitamin C-rich foods like tomatoes and citrus fruits (they'll help keep wrinkles away). Sugar won't be doing any favours for dull winter skin, so get snacking on seeds and nuts for a zinc boost, essential for preventing rashes and unwanted skin. 

Hope you all will look after your hair this winter! if you have any questions feel free to email me. I will be back soon to share more winter hair and beauty tips. goodnight beauts xo

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