Hey guys, hope your all enjoying the weekend. Monday couldn't arrived any sooner! After some serious holiday eating and boxing day shopping, I spent my Sunday sorting through hair extension orders and clearing out my closet getting rid of shoes, bags and clothes which seem to be pushed to the unwanted corner in my wardrobe! Since the weather changes more than we change our socks, this results in confused dry hair and scalp. while you enjoy your Sunday evening have a quick read on how to get rid of dry scalp and hair.

How can I make my scalp less flaky and dry?

In the winter, there's less humidity in the air, which can dry out your scalp. Dry scalp can be really annoying this time of the year so make sure you drink plenty of water and follow this little winter hair tip! Make a deep treatment with oil. Many people get hot oil treatments at salons and swear by their effectiveness but forget the salon when you can have the same result in the comfort of your own home! For this deep treatment, try to use virgin coconut oil or olive oil.

In a saucepan, warm up oil until it is warm but not too hot to touch. You are going to be applying the oil to your scalp, so keep that in mind.

  • Take oil off the heat and let cool for 30 seconds just to be sure. Apply to hair in sections, using hair clips if necessary. If you're worried about excessive oiliness, don't rub the oil too much into your scalp.

  • Wrap your hair in a shower cap or a plastic bag and let the oil work its magic for at least 30 minutes.

  • Rinse with warm water briefly and shampoo until oil is no longer pervasive, but not stripped from hair.

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