Hey there! So the most asked question I recieve almost every day is how do I look after my own hair, so here is your much awaited answer!
Since I'm obsessed with my hair! Whah do I actually do to my own locks to keep them in good and luscious condition. Well firstly I will talk through before, during washing and after washing process.
Before Washing
Every two weeks I apply a hair mask on my hair depending on the condition of my hair on that particular day/week. Either natural oils or DIY hair masks. Between the both, natural oils have got to be my favourite, I'm not a huge fan of all the mixing process or applying egg etc on my hair but I do here and there apply these DIY hair masks for amazing quick results! If you would like to try out a hair mask for dandruff, thicker hair, dry hair or oily hair, you can find them on my blog. For a quick search, on the right hand side you will find a search engine type your chosen word such as ''dry hair'' or ''hair mask'' and they will appear and read away! Back to oils, I do have my favourites for sure! olivie oil and coconut oil. If your looking for a natural hair oil which improves hair condition quickly I would recommend cooking olive oil. Yes you heard me cooking olive oil! It may sound bizarre but it actually works much better than all these products made for hair. I use this whenever I get a chance if my roots aren't feeling greag I quickly run a hand full of olive oil on my mid length and ends to smooth my cuticles and add instant shine. My second favourite has to be coconut oil, the texture isn't the same as olive oil but it works just as fab! I place a fair amount on my palm enough for my scalp and hair. Rub it between my palms to change the consistancy of the coconut oil from solid to a liquid using the heat from your hands, this just makes it's a little easier to apply on my hair. It evenly coats every strand allowing amazing results! Leave this on for 2 - 3 hours or even over night and wash out as normal with shampoo. Using natural oils is a quick TLC for your locks!
Why Is My Hair Falling Out?
Unexplained, excessive hair loss can be worrying and quite scary! The good news is, there's often a way to fix it. Here are a couple causes of hair loss in women, and how to treat them.
Everyone loses hair. It happens during your morning shower, while you’re blowing it dry, or when you give it a quick brush and don't worry because that’s normal. On average, we lose twenty to a hundred hairs a day, that’s just hair going through its cycles, and there will be a new one to replace it. Hair loss that is genetic is known as androgenetic alopecia. The gene can be inherited from either your mother's or father's side of the family, though you're more likely to have it if both of your parents had hair loss. Women with this trait tend to develop thinning at the hairline behind the bangs. The condition develops slowly and may start as early as your 20s. You may be vulnerable if your mother also has this pattern of thinning.
But hair loss may be a sign of a more serious medical condition that needs an evaluation by a dermatologist and possible treatment. If so do visit your doctor as the problem very rarely is serious. Hey but you can do many simple steps to keep your hair from falling out, firstly no stressing! avoid washing everyday, you should aim to wash your hair 3-4 times a week depending on your routine. Drink plenty of water, eats lots of salmon atleast three times a week. Avoid tying your hair in a tight ponytail or bun this with time causes hairloss at the front hairline. Apply olive oil (my favourite oil) to your hair three times a week prior to washing your hair. These few simple steps can help reduce hairloss, for more tips search hairloss in the search engine found at the top is this page and read away!
Hair by Zara Hair Tip
You Should Condition Before You Shampoo!
Yikes its been some time since I sat down and did some blogging! Last couple of weeks have been far more busy than I imagined, finally back on the blog to share tips for you girls. This may sound crazy, but conditioning before you shampoo may actually increase the body of your hair. When you shower, your conditioner never fully rinses out. Leaving conditioner in after the shower may weigh down your hair, ultimately reducing your volume. Reversing this habit is a quick fix to create extra bounce. You can now say hello to bouncy big hair!
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Hair Extensions available here |
So since the demand for hair extensions has hit the sky, the range of hair extensions has widened making them more affordable for women all around the world in different price ranges and no longer costing an arm and a leg. Our big secret to big luscious hair! If your shopping for yourself or planning on gifting someone a set of hair extensions here are few things you should know before you buy.
Clip ins are always a good option as any other application can damage hair long term, those of you who have experienced wearing micro rings or kera links (they are attached to the hair and cannot be removed for months!) you will know the after affect of wearing them. You usually see the side affects of hair loss and thin hair after those particular hair extensions are removed so that's why Hair by Zara only offer the easy and safe clip in hair extensions. So let me take you back to clip ins, they come in a variety of lengths on wefts (the strips) which you attach yourself by the clips attached to the wefts to your natural hair roots. Clip in around 1 inch away from your root. The benefits of clip in application you can attach and remove them whenever you like, which is pretty awesome! If you like to wear them on a regular basis these are great as you can give your hair a rest during the evenings and night. Clips in come in a variety of styles and colours, 100% human and synthetic. Since 100% human hair extensions are the highest quality hair extensions they will be more expensive than synthetic hair. You cannot apply heat to Hair by Zara curly synthetic hair extensions however 100% human hair extensions can be dyed, curled, straightened and washed. If you have any concerns or questions regarding Hair By Zara hair extensions do not hesitate to contact me! There is a huge variety on Hair By Zara online store.
Winter.....Not only can it create havoc on our skin, making it quite dry, itchy, and flaky during the colder months, but it can also take a toll on our lovely locks.
From dry, brittle hair full of split ends to frizzy, static-prone tresses, our hair needs a little extra DIY TLC every now and then to keep it look its very best. But how do we look after our hair in these cold months? Hair masks ofcoursee!
With the dramatic change in temperature comes a change in how you manage, treat, and style your hair. Starts with simple habits, such as letting your hair air-dry, can cause more damage than you realize. I usually opt for air dry for less damage in warmer months. The structure of your hair can be weakened. Wet, or even damp hair can freeze and break more easily, causing split-ends which we all hate! These split ends then cause your hair to look even more damaged and dull. Compound that with dry, static-causing air and you’ve got one hairy situation going on.
To avoid this make sure you completely dry your hair before leaving the house, and try to only wash your hair every other day. That way you help to lock your hair’s natural moisture into each strand, protecting it against the harsh elements.
If you find your hair still feels a little dry or damaged, try conditioning it up to four times a week.
From dry, brittle hair full of split ends to frizzy, static-prone tresses, our hair needs a little extra DIY TLC every now and then to keep it look its very best. But how do we look after our hair in these cold months? Hair masks ofcoursee!
With the dramatic change in temperature comes a change in how you manage, treat, and style your hair. Starts with simple habits, such as letting your hair air-dry, can cause more damage than you realize. I usually opt for air dry for less damage in warmer months. The structure of your hair can be weakened. Wet, or even damp hair can freeze and break more easily, causing split-ends which we all hate! These split ends then cause your hair to look even more damaged and dull. Compound that with dry, static-causing air and you’ve got one hairy situation going on.
To avoid this make sure you completely dry your hair before leaving the house, and try to only wash your hair every other day. That way you help to lock your hair’s natural moisture into each strand, protecting it against the harsh elements.
If you find your hair still feels a little dry or damaged, try conditioning it up to four times a week.
No matter how good (or bad) my hair looks, the cold weather will dry out my scalp causing irritation and flaking.
If you tend to have dry hair or split ends, boost up your hair care with a weekly DIY hair oil treatment. Here are a few of my favourites:
- Apply olive oil (cooking oil) I know that probably sounds bizarre but olive oil cooking out is fantastic! Apply all over your hair and scalp, massage in thoroughly, cover your hair a shower cap or plastic bag if you don't have a shower cap and leave in for 20 minutes. Shampoo as usual, but avoid conditioner maybe just on the ends if you have knotty frizzy hair.
- Boil ½ cup of water, then add ½ cup of olive oil. Warm up the mixture for a couple of seconds approx 30-40 until warm (make sure not to over heat the mixture) Once it cools down to the point that it won’t burn your scalp, mix well. Massage into your hair, cover with a shower cap and leave on for 15-30 minutes. Wash as usual.
Glossy Shine: For a shine boost during the winter, every couple of weeks pour 1 cup around 30ml lemon juice through your hair after shampooing. Rinse well and condition as usual. This will add shine and smooth the cuticle.
The Sweet Life: So you need 1/2 cup honey, 1/4 cup of olive oil and 1 egg yolk... Mix mix mix! Apply to hair, cover with shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes. Rinse and shampoo as usual. This is always brilliant for soft skin, highly recommended face mask. Two in one hair and face mask, what more could a girl want!
We can officially say summer is over! ugh :( I think us Brits were lucky this year, the weather turned out to be quite generous. The fun is over time to take out the woolly sweaters and fur boots for the cold months ahead. As for our Autumn well it was probably the best Autumn we have had, warm and humid. Just perfect. We are fully prepared for the weather change but is our hair? carry on reading to find out what hair care tips you need this fall.
Choose a warmer shade girls!
Lets begin with hair colour. Hair is naturally lighter in the summer and darkens during the colder months. So, if you’re like most and dye your hair with the change in season, it’s a great idea to choose a warmer shade such as, caramel, golden, and auburn hues. I dip dyed my hair around a month ago a golden/light brown shade it was way too copper tone for my likings so I have been carrying out a treatment which removes copper golden tones and darkens the hair colour, just what I need for this cold weather. My hair is now slowly turning to the light brown caramel tone which I absolutely love, perfect for winter! Being brave I cut around 4 inches off my length, it got to the stage where I was just so bored of my hair, waking up and just feeling like a complete and utter slob with horses tail! It needed a change and I'm so glad I went for it, best my hair has ever looked in my opinion.
Trim split-ends
If you’ve been watching your locks grow, now is the time to touch them up! You don’t have to opt for a full restyle haircut if you don’t want to. You can simply brush up your current hairstyle , which is cutting the smallest amount of hair around an inch. Leaving you length, yet without those unsightly split ends. Going for a regular trim will also make your hair easier to style and give it more volume and bounce this fall.
Conditioning Treatment
In the colder months our hair turns so dull and dry. Our bodies slow down and lazy all we want to do is wrap up in a ball under a duvet. I wanted to share my little hair conditioning treatment with you all, this treatment is very good for damaged and split ends. These kind of treatments are pricey at the salons so here's my home made quick and easy conditioning treatment! follow the instructions below for luscious moisturised hair this winter. A little advice for girls with hair that becomes oily really quickly, only apply this once every two weeks and do not apply to your roots!
1. Wet hair
2. Apply Conditioner
3. Cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic bag
4. Leave in your hair for 1 hour
5. Wash out as normal
6. and tadaaaah say hello to gorgeous luscious locks!
When it comes to hair oils I like to stick to natural oils. Why? because all products like Moroccan Argan oil etc from drug stores have many other chemicals mixed into the product to speed up the process and for quick results. My favourite oils have to be Almond oil, coconut oil and olive oil. Almond can do wonders to your skin, hair and general health, making it a popular ingredient in many beauty products. I'm going to roughly talk through hair and skin benefits of using almond oil.
Most oils I have used have a pour-cap mechanism, which can release a lot of product in one go so girls be careful! As you can see above I have removed to cap lid and replaced it with a spray bottle cap, as I'm not a fan of oil getting messy or falling onto my bedroom carpet. Its much easier with this spray bottle cap. But be careful not to spray too much as washing it out might take around 3-4 washes. I learnt the hard way!
Almond oil naturally is scented of almonds, some brands can be sweeter than others but I find most have an earthy undertone to them. The scent is barely visible once used however, and doesn't tend to be overpowering or artificial. Hair oils are a hair care product, but tend to come with a hefty price tag - as a cheaper and pure alternative I apply a small amount of almond oil.
Hands & Nails
I love to use almond oil on my hands after doing the washing up or cleaning and even after hairstyling as hairspray can make my hands feel all yucky! My hands are left overly dry and rough after all the above. The oil sinks in nicely and leaves them feeling instantly replenished. It's definitely not something I would carry about in my handbag but around the house it's ideal. Another thing I love using my almond oil for is a cuticle oil, it rubs around the nail nicely without leaving a greasy feeling on my fingers. If your like me sometimes have dry skin, peeling or even darkness around your finger nail, then almond oil is brilliant to sort these minor problems! It smoothes and softens my cuticles in an instant, they push back well without any pain and feel nourished after use, I'd say its definitely improved the appearance of the skin around my nails.
I have been using almond oil on my hair for a couple of months now, I'm obsessed with my hair! I have been testing different oils and this is definitely one of my favourites. I didn't really know the value of this oil until I used it and its actually AMAZING! definitely recommend I bought my KTC bottle above from a Cash and Carry for around £1.99. Super cheap I know! Almond oil is a rich source of vitamin E which is an antioxidant that protects and repairs scalp and hair. Almond oil apart from hair growth also nourishes the hair follicles and smoothens the hair cuticles. Not only does it helps in less hair fall but also has shining property to the hair. Now you can achieve the sleek polished hair in no time. My ends were a slightly dry on the ends and now I have sleek fresh ends. I'm not one to get lots of split ends as I hardly use heat and I do cut my hair regularly. There are many home remedies available for the organic people who can combine almond oil or just use it plain on the hair for better results. To tame the mane honey can be added with almond oil to get rid of the frizz. Apply this treatment an hour before washing your hair, wash you hair as normal. Another trick I have tried is mixing almond oil into conditioner but I found this treatment made my hair way too silky so I would only advise this for girls with frizz bomb hair!
Benefits of Almond oil:
- Nourishes hair and smoothes hair cuticles.
- Makes hair long, strong and thick.
- Massaging with almond oil adds shine to the hair.
- Controls hair fall.
How to apply almond oil to your hair and scalp - Apply a small amount onto your palm or 4 sprays if your using the spray application. Dip your fingertips and apply gently on your scalp. Massage slowly in small circular motions and relax. Remember to massage slowly, quick movements will cause hair loss.
Making good use of almond oil I mainly use this product to lighten dark circles, as I believe its a more natural treatment. I have had a look at eye creams to lighten dark circles, however nothing has grown on me and I feel all these high street products only help short term, not long term. I hoping to make sure I don't get dark circles at all although my eyes have a little darkness recently as I'm a night owl and hardly drink water! I apply almond oil to my under eyes every night before bed, pour a little oil into a bowl, dip the cotton bud into the almond oil and gently apply under the eyes. Leave on for the night and wash in the morning with lukewarm water. Be careful not to apply too much, if any almond oil leaks to close to the eye its very very painful and itchy! I learnt the hard way guys, so definitely avoid applying to eye lashes or too close to the eyes.
Listed below are benefits of almond oil for the skin. Beautiful skin will be no more just a dream.
- Improves complexion and retains glow.
- Moisturises better and deeper.
- Soothes skin irritation and inflammation.
- Delays ageing process.
- Lightens dark circles .
- Relieves dry and itching skin.
- Nourishes the skin. Makes it smooth and soft.
- Cures chapped lips and body rashes.
Dandruff Alert
Dandruff.. eugh I hate it. Its possibly one of the worst hair problems, I tend to get dandruff when I don't use head and shoulders shampoo. Dandruff is the result of excessive peeling of the scalp. Normally scalp cells are naturally renewed and eliminated in the form of extremely tiny, invisible flakes. However, some factors can cause this process to intensify, with clusters of dead cells then forming two types of dandruff. Dry dandruff, which is small and fine, detaches and falls. Greasy dandruff, which has coarser and larger flakes, tends to stay in the hair and on the scalp.
What to do on a daily basis:
Regardless of the extent of your dandruff, you should avoid using overly strong hair care products (which claim to do a handful of things, stick to the simple hair products) and washing or drying your hair at too high a temperature, ditch the hairdryer girls. Anti-dandruff shampoo developed for each type of dandruff will help eliminate the problem. To help reduce or even completely get rid of dandruff I would recommend adding green tea to your diet, drink plenty of water avoid staying dehydrated, use oils such as olive oil, almond oil, coconut oil and argan oil to help reduce dandruff. Try to wash your hair max 3 times a week, allow your natural sebum (oil) to come out and cover your strands, I'm not saying have greasy hair but try not to wash out natural oils and allow them to penetrate through your hair. Foods, you want to avoid. baked food, yeast, cheese, vinegar and alcohol.
We all want long thick hair but it can be hard work achieving it. Thought I would share a hair tip, for long thick hair! Do you know that green tea benefits your hair and scalp? the hair benefits that you can get from green tea.
- Hair growth stimulation
- Soothes psoriasis and dandruff.
- Strengthens an conditions hair
If it seems that your hair is growing too slowly and you want it to grow faster, then green tea may be the answer to your problem. According to experts, the epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea can help in hair loss prevention. This strong antioxidant has been found in researches to be an effective hair growth stimulant.
Soothes Psoriasis and Dandruff
If your familiar or suffer with psoriasis your probably searching for the best treatment to help, by using green tea on your hair can reduce the symptoms of psoriasis by reducing the inflammation. Apply green tea an hour or two before showering. It is also recommended to drink green tea, maybe replace your daily coffee or tea. Green tea is also great for dandruff (yes, dandruff!) so if you have flakey scalp make sure you get your daily dose of green tea to sooth skin and calm dandruff.
Me personally I dislike drinking tea, the taste is vile in my opinion! so if your like me you can apply green tea to your hair by using a natural shampoo that includes green tea as the active ingredient. You can also rinse your hair with green tea after using your regular shampoo to treat your dandruff or psoriasis.
When choosing a shampoo with green tea, choose one that doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals. Some green tea shampoos contain parabens or sodium lauryl sulphate which are harmful chemicals that may cause scalp irritations, so that's something to note down when shampoo shopping!
Strengthens and Conditions Hair
Green tea hair products can also strengthen and condition your hair because it contains panthenol, vitamin E, and vitamin C, which are all ingredients in most hair conditioners.
The vitamin E in green tea helps restore damaged or dry hair, while the vitamin C helps protect your hair from UV radiation. The panthenol in green tea softens and strengthens your hair and helps prevent split ends.
You can also get these hair benefits by drinking green tea, but the best method is to apply a green tea hair product directly on your hair. Choose a hair product that contains EGCG or real green tea extract. I hope this little green tea chit chat has helped those of you wondering why green tea is recommended for good hair growth and health!
Why you will never go back to a regular hair brush after using the Dtangler
Well hello there! Hope you have had a lovely day! I haven't posted for a while as I've been so busy with the Hair by Zara online store. Today I would like to talk about something different. I barely talk about my own products on my blog so today I thought I would take the opportunity to tell you girls more about the new Dtangler hair brush which is available on Hair By Zara, as a couple of you have messaged regarding more details on the hair brush.
When it comes to hair brushes, I'm quite picky I like to make sure the look of it is quite soft and won't damage my hair. I absolutely hate brushes which hurt my head and tug at my hair, it's possibly the worst feeling and since I've been using the Dtangler, brushing my hair couldn't feel anymore relaxing and soothing.
The best couple of things about this brush is it dramatically reduces breakage, split ends and any damage to the hair. It has been made with perfectly placed bristles to easily flow through your hair, perfect for those who wear hair extensions, have long hair or curly hair and even brilliant for children! Your probably thinking children, how can a brush be beneficial for a child. Well often children will avoid their parents when it comes to brushing their hair (yes, I was a victim of hair tugging by my mother!) because children don’t see it as necessary because it can feel like torture, hair knots and tangles are a painful problem for many kids, especially long hair girls. Removing the knots is not only frustrating for the parent, but also painful and uncomfortable for the child, making him or her not want to brush their hair, with the Dtangler brushing becomes an enjoyable experience, the brush easily glides through the hair from scalp to end with almost no resistance. Smooth, pain-free detangling. This unique Dtangler brush is so easy and comfortable to use, the best thing about it - 99% less hair loss which is brilliant, because don't we alI hate hair fall! Gently detangles hair while simultaneously adding luscious volume and shine.
I love this brush and have one for myself and my clients! I carry this hair brush around in my hairstyling kit as it works so well after curling hair and want to achieve the loose bouncy curls, the Dtangler removes any harsh ringlet curls adding voluptuous volume and natural bounce. It's also great that I don't have to tug at my clients hair which is pretty awesome because the last thing I want is screeching clients! The small compact handbag friendly Dtangler is the best tool you can have if your head sore too!
Who is this hair brush suitable for?
1. Children
2. Curly hair
3. Long hair
4. Knotty hair
5. If your head sore
6. Combing out curls
7. Guys who have long hair
Beau Accessories
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Necklace from Beau Accessories |
Just when you think your jewellery collection can't get any better, Beau Accessories an exquisite online jewellery store were so kind to let me wear the first piece from their new AW14 Collection, just in time for my friends wedding! I got this gorgeous Game Of Thrones necklace which evidently adds such a statement to any outfit. It is absolutely beautiful in complete ah wee from the number of compliments I received on the night. Paired this beauty with a cream lace dress which works so well with the necklace.
Hey girls! Healthy hair is a must its the key to everything, literally! To look shiny and strong, hair needs to be healthy, both on the surface and deep inside. The outermost layer of the hair shaft is the cuticle, a protective envelope of overlapping cells arranged like tiles on a roof, held together by a “cement” of lipids and proteins. If the cuticle scales (they look like fish scales) are in good condition and perfectly attached to the hair shaft, the hair appears soft and shiny. Inside the hair, the cortex is made up of fibres held together by a lipid–protein mixture. The cortex ensures that hair is strong. If your wondering how I know the technical business to hair I studied the hair shaft at college, and I'm glad I paid attention it has certainly come into use now. Moving on... how to actually maintain healthy hair I have wrote a little detail below for you guys!
What to do:
Generally speaking, avoid repeated exposure to aggressive treatments such as colouring, straightening, blow-drying that can damage the cuticle and the cortex fibres. I would mainly say colouring as this damages the cuticle right to the core, hair straightening damages the outer layer, after constant high heat, the heat eventually damages each layer of the cuticle and causes the hair to break and become frail. So overall the above high heats can make hair fragile and subject to breakage, causing it to lose its shine and softness. Wash with a gentle cleansing shampoo and gently dry your hair (avoid rubbing, gently pat) with a towel before using a dryer for as little time as possible and low heat as possible. You can also make regular use of conditioning treatments to smooth out the cuticle and strengthen your hair. Conditioning treatment methods are available on my blog, the search engine is on the right of this page.
Any protein sources that are rich in sulphur amino acids such as seafood, cruciferous vegetables, legumes, meat, milk and egg yolks, along with B-group vitamins and zinc, will help hair grow and look healthy. Conditions like iron deficiency or poor intestinal absorption can result in hair loss, however. If you suffer from these conditions, you’ll need to allow 4 to 6 months for your locks to recover. The best thing you can do to take care of your hair is to eat a well balanced diet. Don’t avoid red meat, because its sulphur amino acids play a role in producing keratin. Supplement your diet with brewer’s yeast, which is rich in vitamins B and E. Eat plenty of fish, vegetables and fruit to benefit from their vitamins and minerals. And drink at least 1.5 litres of water every day.
So what is Alopecia? Alopecia is a hair loss condition that causes hair to fall out in a short period of time. This disease affects both genders both male and female also any age from children to elderly. With hair such an important part of ones confidence and appearance, a diagnosis of alopecia can be devastating. It is quite common for people suffering from alopecia to easily feel alone, depressed and avoid any conversation regarding their hair. If you want to talk about this topic to me privately you can message me via the Contact page, all conversations are never shared with third parties, just for the records. Below I have split Alopecia into two category's Temporary and Permanent, it might sound a load of gibberish, but those of you suffering or know of a loved one suffering will understand.
Temporary hair loss:
Alopecia areata tends to occur in small, round bald spots. Hair loss or bald patches usually occur on the scalp but it may also affect other areas with hair such as eyebrows, eyelashes or beard. If hair loss occurs in one spot only, usually on the head, it is known as alopeciaareata monolocularis. If hair is lost on the entire scalp, it is known alopecia totalis. If hair loss occurs on the entire body, including pubic hair, then this condition is known as alopecia universalis.
Telogen effluvium is a condition characterized by a sudden loss of hair as a result of an interruption in the normal hair growth cycle. The hair generally starts thinning and falls out of the scalp which is more noticeable when you wash or comb your hair.
Traction alopecia occurs as a result of certain hairstyles such as braids, tight ponytails, cornrows, chignons, buns or twists that are worn regularly. It is caused by pulling (chronic traction) on the hair follicle and signs of this type of hair loss involve tension headaches, itchy, red scalp, random bald patches and hair breakage around the scalp.
Permanent hair loss may be classified by the following:
Female-pattern baldness is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia. It isn't often that women experience complete hair loss, they may lose hair in patches and it usually only starts to thin at the front, sides or crown.
Male-pattern baldness is also known as Androgenetic Alopecia and usually affects men in their teens or early 20s. Androgenetic Alopecia is distinguished by hair on the sides of the head (at the temples) and balding on the sides of the head.
Cicatricial (scarring) alopecia is also known as scarring alopecia. This type of hair loss destroys the hair follicle and replaces the follicle with a scar tissue, it causes permanent hair loss. Sometimes, no symptoms are obvious and hair loss is gradual. In other cases, itching, burning or pain may occur. If the scalp is affected, some scaling and redness may be evident.
What causes Alopecia?
Factors that may contribute to alopecia include poor nutrition, certain medications, diseases such as diabetes and lupus as well as medical treatments such as radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Hormonal changes such as pregnancy, menopause, an overactive or underactive thyroid and scalp infections like ringworms can cause hair loss.
Although there is no exact cure for alopecia, it is estimated that 50% of patient’s hair will grow back in one year without treatment. Approximately 90% of people with hair loss, hair will eventually grow back while in the other 10% of cases, only some or no hair will grow back. There are several treatment options available for alopecia ranging from corticosteroids, steroid injections, phototherapy, hair transplantation or scalp reduction. I know above I have stated no exact cure however I can recommend tips on to encourage hair growth.
- Change your diet by eating plenty of iron found in meat and liver as well as green, leafy vegetables and fresh fruit.
- Drink plenty of water to flush out toxins in the body’s system.
- Increase your intake of vitamin supplements such as zinc and magnesium to stimulate hair growth.
- Wear sunglasses and sunscreen to protect the eyes and skin from the sun and environment.
- Allow your family and friends to support you – remember that they love you just the way you are.
- Be gentle with yourself, learn to value the person on the inside rather than the outside.
- Reduce stress and anxiety by practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga or meditation.
- Mix 50/50 of castor oil and almond oil on thinning areas before washing, preferably an hour or two before.
- Take the white of one egg and mix in a teaspoon of olive oil. Beat to give a paste-like consistency and apply to the entire scalp and hair. Keep it on for about 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water and a mild shampoo.
- See your GP as soon as possible and talk about: Topical corticosteroids (creams and ointments) are widely prescribed for treating alopecia areata, but their long-term benefits are not known. Also Dithranol cream.
- Aromatherapy, acupuncture and massage are often used for alopecia, but there is not enough evidence to support their use as effective treatments.
Vaseline: If there’s one thing that women have in common, it seems to be this. We’re all on the hunt for the perfect lip balm, seen as the weather is so bitter and cold. Its hard to find one that’s rich in emollients, that keeps our lips smooth, protected and adds a little colour to your lips. My best buy has to be most definitely Vaseline. Can be bought from your nearest drugstore for as little as £1! This comes in handy, I have a few of these one in each handbag and at home to save me from hunting for this cute little tin!
Magic Volume Dust
Volume, We all want it and lots of it! There are so many products for volume but which one do you trust? I came across this one a few years ago when I was on my college lunch break, I used it for the volume, sprinkled it on my roots and ran fingers through my hair for that umph! This stuff is magic and does what it says on the box. You only need a little sprinkle to make your hair stay in position and no need for hairspray at all. Only downside is it does make your hair feel dry the batiste sort of feeling therefore I'd only advise using this on days you are planning to wash your hair sooner or later as it's brilliant and definitely does what it says on the front! I purchased mine from a Sally's store it was slightly pricey but worth it as it lasts ages!
My 21st In Paris
I've been dreaming for so long to visit this beautiful city, a birthday gift from my sisters! Alhamdulillah feeling blessed :) finally I had a chance to wonder the streets of Paris! The weather was amazing perfect timing for our little tour as a few days before we visited and the evening we left the clouds couldn't hold the rain any longer and the rain drops dropped! Luckily we stayed right in the centre in Champs Elyees, where all the top designer brands are located! Breakfast was a tad more exciting than normal with tasty French breakfast and macaroons! I won't blabber on for too long but I've posted some pics to share with you all! If you haven't visited this beautiful city then boy are you missing out! Book your flight girls I can't wait to go back its such an amazing city!
Miracle Mane
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Available on Hair By Zara |
Miracle Mane, a very popular hair product, recommended for women and men who have any balding or thinning hair. I have used this on my clients and I must say it does make bald patches look like a full head of hair and healthy! Its mostly commonly used on women around the front where any scalp shows through when tied up or down. Creates the illusion of hair.
Miracle Mane Hair Fibre Product is available in Black and Light Brown on www.hairbyzara.info . Dark brown was available however was sold out within 15 minutes, and unable to get any more in, so sorry! If you have dark brown hair you can opt for black however if your hair has a light brown tone or highlights then I would recommend Light Brown. In the pack you receive two products firstly the Miracle Mane Fibres which you disperse onto thinning or bald areas of clean, dry hair evenly. The fibres are dispensed from special containers to maximize the electrostatic charge. The fibres need to be applied on the scalp where some natural hair exists. The second product Miracle Mane Spray is to be applied on to the areas where the fibres have been dispersed. This makes the fibre settle on scalp and offers fuller hair with a natural look.
Only a couple left, grab yours before they are gone!
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SAMY Fat ''0'' Calories Shampoo and Conditioner from Superdrug |
Probably the most common question I get asked by all my followers is how to thicken hair. Here is one of my favourite hair thickening goodies, I've been using this shampoo for some time now, and have seen great results! I do have to warn you it takes about 3 uses to see a positive difference, so don't give up straight away if you do purchase this! Each bottle is £5.59 and they are 300ml each which would last me for a good 2-3 months. I chose to buy this shampoo and conditioner set because it was sulphate free and 100% vegan (nope I'm not a vegan if your wondering!) your probably questioning what harm does sulphate cause, well sulphate damages the hair and can cause hair loss and that is definitely not what we want! I have been cutting down on buying sulphate hair products for the past year or so. when purchasing you next hair shampoo or conditioner do remember to check the back of the bottle to avoid sulphate products. I used both the shampoo and conditioner together to get maximum results, I even tried to use different shampoo/conditioners to see if it would make my hair any different but unfortunately it didn't. In fact, it made my hair feel very unmanageable and uncomfortable
As soon as you squeeze a
dollop out of the bottle you can feel that its a really thick consistency, the
only downer is it doesn't quite lather up
as much as I'd like it to, so i tend to lather rinse twice, so it
froths/foams up just how I like it. Other than that the shampoo works lovely
delivering everything it promises on the tube! The smell well there isn't really a strong smell its quite subtle, I actually like it.
So the conditioner is pretty much your bog standard hair conditioner it left my hair feeling
really soft, smooth and thick which I find impossible with other conditioners! Again like the shampoo it has a little scent, not very strong just subtle. I did find after using these products my hair has much more volume and bounce, just how I like it!
Hair by Zara Shop

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